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Dreaming of home ownership? Make it a reality with an FHSA

Helpful Tips, Investments, Personal Finance

Canadians saving for their first home have another option—the First Home Savings Account (FHSA)—a registered plan that allows for tax deductible contributions along with tax-free growth and withdrawals¹ to buy or build your first home.2

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2024 Federal Budget @ your fingertips

Investments, Personal Finance

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Financial tips for your younger self

Investments, Personal Finance

Updated February 2024

Do you ever wish you could talk to your younger self about lessons you've learned, more than a few of them the hard way? There are the mishaps you could have avoided, the errors in judgement you could have missed and the regrets you wouldn't hold. How much better would you feel now if you could turn the clock back? And that includes the extra money you would have to fund the better lifestyle you could look forward to in the decades ahead. Let's consider some financial tips.

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2024 Financial facts @ your fingertips

Investments, Personal Finance

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5 tips for financial success in later life

Investments, Personal Finance

Updated January 2024

The things you need to do to build your finances which can support your wants and goals are simple. Sometimes doing them isn't so simple. For most people, this becomes a matter of choice. Practice makes it easier. Here are some tips to build lifestyle success for your future you.

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TFSA and spouse as joint beneficiary

Investments, Personal Finance

Updated January 2024

Gaeten and Mirielle are a middle aged couple who met through friends. They have been together for almost 5 years. Gaeten is divorced with one adult child. Mirielle, a widow, has two children of her own. The couple do want to take care of each should either one predecease the other. They both wish to have at least some of their own investments pass on to their respective children.

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Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) and successor holder

Investments, Personal Finance

Updated January 2024

My last article shared the story of a divorced gentleman, Gaeten, who named his common law partner Mirielle, joint beneficiary of his Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) along with his daughter, Marie. I covered off the problem Mirielle would have trying to maintain the tax sheltered status of her share of Gaeten’s account which would pass to her on Gaeten’s death. What if Gaeten named her as a successor holder (subrogated policyholder in Quebec)?

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Five basics about managing money

Investments, Personal Finance

Updated January 2024

A disturbing number of aging Canadians today aren’t saving or aren’t saving enough for retirement.1 They are seeking financial freedom. That’s not freedom from money. It’s the kind of freedom they feel when they can do what they want to do and when they want to do it. Yet we all know that how we manage, invest and spend our money can have a huge impact on our life and our lifestyle.

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Market timing and missing the worst performance days

Investments, Personal Finance

In my last article, I wrote about the benefits of a buy and hold strategy where an investor stayed in the market through the ups and downs of a particular investment. 

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Staying invested in the market

Investments, Personal Finance

A common piece of advice for investors is that long term success doesn’t hinge on timing the market. It’s time in the market that may make the bigger difference.

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