Empire Life Blog

How do I know if I need life insurance? Part I

Rédigé par Empire Life | Oct 19, 2017 5:59:54 PM


8 in 10 say a married person with one or more young children needs life insurance. Do you need life insurance? Check out this video to get some tips to make an informed decision today!




“How do I know if I need life insurance?” This is a question we all ask at some point in our lives. 8 in 10 say a married person with one or more young children need life insurance.* But what about for those who have not started a family?

A simple way to approach this question is with a question... Does anyone rely on me for money?

Life insurance can help protect loved ones if the unexpected happens to someone they rely on for income.

  • For Example, Daniel, a single 40 year old with a steady income has to take care of his widowed mother since his father passed away. Daniel can use life insurance to cover the remainder of his mortgage, provide replacement income and pay for funeral expenses so that his mother can survive without him.

Whether you have a family or are one of the following: someone’s ex-spouse, a child of dependent parents, or a business partner, an advisor can help determine your needs and narrow down your options.

Visit empirelife.ca to connect with an advisor today.


*2017 Insurance Barometer Study